Outdoor Media Advertising: Definition & Guide | By Design



While digital marketing may be emerging as an effective method of marketing and advertising right now, traditional methods of outdoor media advertising still have a lot to offer.

What Is Outdoor Advertising? 

Outdoor advertising refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or brands through various forms of media displayed in public spaces, such as billboards, bus shelters, transit vehicles, digital displays, and street furniture. It aims to reach a wide audience and create brand awareness by leveraging high-traffic locations and strategic placements in outdoor environments. Outdoor advertising is typically designed to capture attention quickly and convey messages succinctly due to its limited exposure time.


Outdoor advertising, outdoor media, or out-of-home advertising (OOH advertising) is one of the most popular offline advertising methods that display promotions outside and reach your target group when they are outside their homes.

Most businesses tie up with an outdoor advertising agency to get the desired results from their marketing efforts, in local regions.

Outdoor advertising is of different types, each having the ability to reach a large audience. Here are the most commonly known ones:

1. Posters

Posters are a temporary low-cost advertising option that reaches a wide audience. They can be completely personalized to best fit your campaign requirements and branding.

2. Billboard Advertising

Billboards are perhaps the most iconic form of outdoor advertising. These large, eye-catching structures are strategically placed in high-traffic areas such as highways, busy streets, and city centers. Their size and prominence make them nearly impossible to miss, ensuring high visibility for the advertised message. Billboards are particularly effective for campaigns aimed at building brand awareness or launching new products, as they offer creative freedom for bold and impactful designs. Positioned along busy routes, billboards provide frequent exposure to the same audience, reinforcing the brand message over time. This makes them an ideal choice for advertisers looking to make a significant impact in high-traffic, urban locations. They are a highly efficient mode of outdoor media advertising being pretty hard to avoid!

3. Wall Stickers

Decals used for indoor and outdoor advertising are also known as wall stickers. This form of advertising is effective for restaurants, shops, bars, and cafes.

4. Transit Advertising

Transit advertising utilizes public transportation vehicles such as buses, trains, and taxis to reach a mobile audience. This form of advertising is highly effective in urban areas, where it can engage commuters and pedestrians alike. One of the main advantages of transit advertising is its widespread reach, as these vehicles travel through various parts of a city, exposing the advertisement to diverse demographics. Additionally, transit ads are often more cost-effective compared to stationary billboards, making them accessible to businesses with smaller budgets. The dynamic nature of transit advertising, moving with the vehicle, ensures that the message is seen by different people throughout the day, maximizing the potential audience. These adverts direct the tourists’ attention to your business because they are always on the lookout for local transportation or guides to show them around.

5. Digital Outdoor Advertising

Digital outdoor advertising is increasingly popular, utilizing digital screens in outdoor spaces, including digital billboards and displays in public squares. One of the key features of digital outdoor advertising is its ability to showcase dynamic content, such as video and animated graphics, which can significantly enhance audience engagement. This type of advertising allows for time-sensitive messaging, as the content can be easily updated in real-time to reflect current promotions or news. The bright, moving images of digital advertisements draw more attention than static ones, making them particularly impactful in high-traffic urban areas. Digital outdoor advertising is ideal for campaigns that require frequent content updates and aim to engage a tech-savvy audience.

6. Mall Advertising

Mall advertising refers to the practice of displaying advertisements and promotional content within shopping malls to reach and engage with shoppers. You will often observe retail advertising as posters, colourful signage, and mall displays, amongst others.

7. Street Furniture

Street furniture advertising includes placements on public amenities like bus shelters, benches, kiosks, and newsstands. These advertisements benefit from strategic placement in locations where people are likely to spend time, such as waiting for public transportation, thereby ensuring prolonged exposure. Some street furniture installations incorporate interactive elements like touchscreens or QR codes, providing opportunities for deeper engagement with the audience. Shelter advertising, in particular, is effective due to the captive audience it reaches, often waiting for buses or other forms of public transport. This makes street furniture advertising a powerful tool for local businesses targeting nearby customers or campaigns needing a mix of visibility and engagement, such as promoting time-sensitive offers or events.

8. Printed Flags

Printed flag advertising involves the use of flags and banners printed with advertising messages or branding to attract attention and promote businesses or events. Also known as promotional flags, they are good for indoor and outdoor media advertising. You can tailor the flags to match your branding guidelines or requirements. Alongside these, advertising companies provide services for other types of outdoor advertisements such as A-frames, PVC banners, signage boards, and vinyl floor stickers.

9. Point of Sale Displays

Point of sale (POS) displays are strategically placed advertisements within retail environments, such as in-store displays, end caps, and checkout counter signs. These advertisements have an immediate impact, targeting customers at the point of purchase and influencing their buying decisions. POS displays are often more cost-effective compared to other forms of outdoor advertising, making them accessible for a wide range of businesses. They are particularly effective for promoting new products or special offers, as they catch the customer’s attention just as they are making their purchase decisions. This makes POS displays a valuable tool for retail products, promotional campaigns, and efforts to influence last-minute purchase decisions.

10. Guerrilla Advertising

Guerrilla advertising is an unconventional form of marketing that uses creative, surprising, and sometimes shocking tactics to capture attention. This type of advertising is designed to create high engagement, often involving interactive or experiential elements that engage the audience directly. The unique and surprising nature of guerrilla campaigns can generate buzz and have a high potential for going viral on social media, amplifying the reach of the advertisement. By breaking away from traditional advertising formats, guerrilla advertising ensures that the message is memorable and stands out from the crowd. This approach is particularly effective for brands looking to create a buzz, campaigns targeting younger urban demographics, and innovative product launches.

10. Airport Advertising

Airport advertising takes advantage of the high dwell time and diverse, international audience found in airports. Travelers typically spend significant time waiting in various airport locations, such as check-in counters, baggage claim areas, and boarding gates, providing ample opportunity for engagement. The premium locations of these advertisements ensure high visibility among a captive audience. Additionally, airport advertisements target a more affluent, educated, and professional demographic, making them ideal for high-end products and services. This form of advertising is particularly effective for travel-related products and services and offers brands the opportunity for international exposure.

11. Event Sponsorship and Promotions

Event sponsorship and promotions involve branding and promotional activities at events such as sports games, concerts, and festivals. This type of advertising reaches a specific audience gathered for a particular interest or event, providing a targeted approach. Event sponsorship offers interactive opportunities, allowing brands to engage directly with the audience through samples, demonstrations, and experiential activities. Associating with popular events can enhance brand image and recognition, creating a lasting impression on attendees. This makes event sponsorship and promotions an excellent choice for new product launches, campaigns seeking to enhance customer engagement, and efforts to create a memorable brand experience.

By understanding and leveraging these various types of outdoor advertising, businesses can effectively reach their target audience, enhance brand visibility, and drive customer engagement. Each type offers unique advantages that, when strategically employed, can significantly amplify the impact of advertising campaigns.

Pros of Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising has the potential to reach a large and diverse audience, as it targets people who are on the move and exposed to various outdoor locations.

By placing ads in high-traffic areas, outdoor advertising companies help brands receive continuous brand exposure to a broad audience, helping to increase brand awareness and recognition.

Outdoor ads can be strategically placed in specific locations to target specific geographic areas, allowing advertisers to reach their intended local or regional audience.

Outdoor advertising allows for the use of eye-catching visuals, bold designs, and engaging content to capture the attention of viewers and make a memorable impact.

The expressive message and creative nature of outdoor ads are more likely to get attention from the target audience.

Unlike other forms of advertising that have limited time frames, outdoor ads are visible 24/7, ensuring continuous visibility and exposure for the brand.

They can work in tandem with digital marketing efforts by providing an offline presence that reinforces online campaigns, creating a synergistic effect.

Most importantly, outdoor ads are non-intrusive and do not interrupt or disrupt the audience's activities, allowing them to absorb the message at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed.

Strategic placement of outdoor ads can trigger the right emotional response from the audience and encourages impulse purchasing.


To create effective outdoor advertising campaigns, start by clearly defining your campaign goals and understanding your target audience. Choose strategic locations that align with your target market and keep your messaging simple, clear, and visually appealing. Incorporate eye-catching design elements and ensure consistent branding. Consider innovative approaches and interactive elements to engage viewers. Test and optimize your campaign based on performance data and integrate it with other marketing channels for a cohesive approach. Regular maintenance is essential to keep your outdoor ads in optimal condition.


Outdoor media advertising can give your business a strong edge over the competition, improve brand credibility, and widen the customer base. Small and large businesses can target higher localized customers in their region via outdoor ads.

If you are ready to advertise your products or services outside but are new to the world of creativity, advertising and marketing, contact us! We, at By Design, an outdoor advertising agency, will ensure your brand goes from strength to strength through successful advertising campaigns.

Our out-of-the-box creative approach, cost-effective solutions, and industry-experienced professionals make us one of the leading outdoor advertising companies, based on the disciplines of communication and strategic fundamentals that create effective messaging targeted at a prospective audience.

To enquire about the outdoor media advertising services we offer, our working process, and outdoor media example or use cases, email us at hello@bydesign.co.in or give us a ring at +91 98199 55449.


1. What is outdoor media? Share examples.

Outdoor media refers to advertising and promotional messages displayed in outdoor environments, targeting a wide audience.

Here are some of the types of outdoor advertising:

Billboards: Large advertising structures typically placed alongside highways, roads, or urban areas. They can feature static or digital displays and are visible to drivers and pedestrians.

Street Furniture: Advertising displays integrated into public structures like bus shelters, benches, kiosks, and public toilets. They provide advertising opportunities in high foot-traffic areas.

Transit Advertising: Ads placed on buses, taxis, trains, subway stations, or other forms of public transportation. This allows brands to reach commuters and travellers.

Digital Screens: Large digital displays are placed in public spaces such as shopping malls, stadiums, airports, and city centres. They offer dynamic and eye-catching visuals with the ability to display multiple advertisements.

Mobile Billboards: Advertisements displayed on trucks or trailers that move throughout a specific area or target a particular audience. These can be highly visible in crowded streets or at events.

2. What is the best example of outdoor media?

Determining the "best" example of outdoor media is subjective and can vary depending on factors such as campaign objectives, target audience, and the effectiveness of the execution. However, one widely recognized and impactful example of outdoor media is the iconic billboard advertisement in Times Square, New York City.

Times Square billboards are known for their vibrant colours, larger-than-life-size, and dynamic displays. They attract millions of visitors each year and offer advertisers a prime location to capture attention and generate brand exposure. The combination of bright lights, digital screens, and creative messaging creates a visually immersive and memorable experience for pedestrians and motorists passing through the area.

Times Square billboards have been utilized by numerous global brands to showcase their products, launch new campaigns, and engage with a diverse audience. The location's cultural significance, high foot traffic, and global visibility make it a highly coveted and impactful outdoor media platform.

3. What is the purpose of outdoor media?

Outdoor media is often used to create brand awareness, reach a large number of people, and deliver impactful messaging in high-traffic areas. The purpose of outdoor media is to reach a wide audience and create brand visibility by displaying advertising and promotional messages in outdoor environments. The objective of deploying outdoor media is to maximize brand exposure, create awareness, and deliver impactful messages to a wide audience in public spaces. It serves as a powerful tool in an integrated marketing strategy to reach consumers outside of their homes and engage with them in their daily lives.